
Showing posts from December, 2020

Yummy spaghetti ready in a jiffy - Purefoods Slow-cooked Spaghetti Sauce with the #1 Tender Juicy Hotdog

Are you a full time or a stay at home mom like me? Well which ever it maybe, i’m sure you always find ways to spend more quality time with your little ones.  I have been a full time mom to my lovely toddler twins, Faith and Hope for 3 years now. But aside from taking care of my twins and our entire household, I also do my passion on the side -  vlogging and blogging. And even if I am busy, I always make sure to cook and prepare good meals for them. I love seeing them happy and enjoying the food that I cook. Faith and Hope are excited to eat our yummy spaghetti using  Purefoods Slow-cooked Spaghetti Sauce with the #1 TJ Hotdog Every time we're together at the dinning table, they love to tell me a lot of stories like what happened to their favorite cartoons that they’re watching or with the activities that we did for the day.  Today, I’ll be sharing to you one of my latest grocery find that really helps me to make my bonding moment more special with my twins and will n...

Embracing the New Normal - Conversations about Motherhood

In this New Normal, it’s important to know that we are not alone and there  are moms who do feel the same struggles as yours. And I’m so glad that I was able to attend  the  virtual meet up prepared and organized by Philips Avent last December 10, 2020 Philips AVENT prepares Filipino Moms to be #UpForTheChallenge and to love every moment of motherhood in the new normal.  Navigating the “new normal” can be tough. Patience, care, flexibility, the strength of character, determination, and a good sense of humor are all certainly helpful attributes and, right now, there’s one community with all these qualities in abundance and that us, Moms!  So happy that Philips AVENT, one of the world’s leading mother and childcare brands, organized a virtual meetup with other moms, actively supporting them through their journey in the new normal. Philips AVENT believes that together, families can embrace motherhood through its highs and lows, especially given the observation that...