Best Diaper for my Twins, Faith and Hope
Being a first time mom is really exciting but being a mom of twins? It’s overwhelming. When I found out that I was pregnant with twins, I was so excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because who would have thought that I’ll get pregnant with twins. Nervous because I’m afraid that I might be choosing wrong products for them especially with the diaper brand that I’ll used to them. Thanks to YouTube and Mommy Bloggers who are sharing their experiences and honest reviews of baby products that they are using to their little ones. And whenever I type the word “Best Diaper”, Pampers is always on the top of the list. I got pregnant in Singapore, that’s why I hoard a lot of Pampers Baby Dry Pants because I’ve already decided that it’ll be the diaper brand that I’ll use for my twins. I opened one pack and tested the diaper by feeling the surface of it and I was amazed because It’s soft and gentle. Since the day they went home after staying in NICU for almost a month, t...