Maynilad Paperless Billing - Convenient way to monitor your monthly bill
This year, I promised myself to be more minimalist. Not just in our things at home but also with the paper bills that I received every month. Paperless billing is more convenient especially nowadays because we don’t need to wait and check our mailbox every month. Plus, the fact that we have an unseen enemy, it removes the need for physical contact with meter readers just to get our hard copy SOA. It’s actually one way to prevent possible COVID-19 transmission. Thankfully, Maynilad has Paperless billing program now. An option to receive Electronic Statement of Account (e-SOA) instead of the physical copy. I honestly find it very convenient as I can access our Maynilad e-SOA anytime, anywhere. It’s also easier to track our previous bill to compare to the recent one. And my favorite part is, I have an option to get bill notifications via SMS and/or thru email. Just in time to remind us to pay our bill not later than our due date. Who can enroll to Maynilad Paperless billing program? Eithe...