Constantly Tired? You May Be Experiencing A Case of Iron Deficiency Anemia
Constantly Tired? You May Be Experiencing A Case of Iron Deficiency Anemia What happens to your performance and immunity when your Iron-deficient Productive people have one thing in common, they ward off feelings of constant exhaustion and drowsiness thinking these are just the result of their hectic lifestyles. They carry on with day-to-day activities even when they experience the inability to focus and perform and not realizing that this might be a symptom of Iron Deficiency Anemia. Iron deficiency anemia happens when your blood has lower amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin than normal. 1 This can cause you to feel weak, tired, dizzy, look pale, and experience headaches. People with chronic medical conditions, women in the reproductive age group and those who experience heavy menstrual bleeding are most vulnerable in having anemi...